Bus stop Branding

Reach to core customers of the city

Bus Stop Ad is a great medium of visibility for your brand. It is a cost effective medium to promote your brand and spread awareness. Bus Stop Ad in India where every metro-semi metro- urban city has the huge number of buses, in urban area people are depend on the city buses for their daily transportation..

Buses circulating in the busiest areas of major metropolitan cities, bus advertising offers exposure to local commuters, drivers and pedestrians. Thanks to traffic jams, a modern customer spend as much time, if not more, in their cars as they do watching television or reading newspapers or browsing the web. This makes Bus Stop Ad the most effective medium to reach potential clients.


whole Bus stop

Advertisie your brand on whole bus stop incuding front , back , top and side panel.

Grand Canyon

Front side

Display your ads on front sdie of bus stop everyone can seethem .


Side Panel

Promot your brand on side panels of bustop attract customer as well as vendors.

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